Precious Meddles

This is the last of a past that I cast
In the impure, and dusty-born ores
That shone once in mountains I climbed in a vast
Sprawling valley that called me to bore

And oh but the tools
And knick-knacky knockers
And jewel-set garlands I fashioned
Born from the shores of aglorian moors
Torn from the pages of passion

But tears ever salted
And cracks ever faulted
And soon in my trusty old vault
Lay tools for fools
And knockers for talkers
Crusted and rusty and dulled

And this is the last of a past that I cast
And amassed in a dastardly fashion
Good as it was
Torn out because
It’s time for a new page of passion


Let’s Collab

Gather ye friends, folks and people unknown
Let’s look at the truth of our consumate home

The rules are outdated
The practices strange
They may have worked once
But it’s time for a change

The shadow of ignorance
The binding of might
The burden of obstacles
And lacking of light

All has been lifted
We stand on the cliff
Of a world that has shifted
And turned into myth

So let’s come together
And tether as peers
To decide what is wise
For the coming of years



Patience and persistence
A healthy shelled resistance
Forgetting bout the setting up
And letting go the distance

Fires in the belly welling
Pouring out the whole
Rolled up in a soulful total opal of a goal


Well Wed

Something humbled
Something true
Something overcome that grew
Something deeper than was known
Something dazzled that was shown

Worn now in a wisened way
That led unto this wedding day



That’s fine!
It’s not like I need to rhyme
Not like I do it all of the time
It’s no big deal…
I can do something so-called “Real”
Without the patter
I’ll just up and get right atter
Here I go
Here it is…
Bing bang boom!
Golly whiz
I dunno.
It’s like a sign post that leads me along
Shows me where the next turn goes
It’s like I’m in this mad forest of “I can go anywhere!”
But that’s too much
The thought alone of the limitless possibilities
Makes me just sit there, numb-founded
Unsure which is best
Which I should choose

So I restrict myself
I say I can go any direction I want
So long as it’s towards THAT kind of tree
That way, at least I have a route
An obvious next turn
Even if I have no idea where it’s going
Or what I might encounter
Or where I’ll end up

It gives me direction
To explore open spaces, section by section
It gives me a way to keep up the pace
So I’m not standing around, scratching my face
I get out of that place, excitement amounting
At the pure inspiration of newfound surroundings
And the crowning confoundments of infinity
Cause I don’t need to worry about which ones I’ll see

It puts it up to the universe
To a far higher mind
Cause frankly, it’s a forest
And while in it, I’m blind



I can attest to a test to invest
in the crest of the best of the rest of my time

I wish to confirm that a stern kind of burn
can in turn be the churn of a learning we earn
to discern of the kernels eternally yearning
to fern and internally shine



It’s not what I wanted
I’m haunted by creepers

With steeper the sloping~
Less hoping it’s deeper

I’m cheapened by the costs too high
I’m lost within the mountain
I was told a fountain’s hiding here
Time’s riding, but who’s countin?


The Plan

Sure sure, I hear you

And of course the chipmunks are innocent
But their fleas are witches

Do you really want a bunch of miniature
spells cast on you?

Plus, it’s only one old grove of walnut trees!

If anything else eats the poison, we’ll just catch it
and stab an antidote into its aorta

Problem solved!

And what’s more, 3 in 5 studies show this place is probably haunted
With the spirits of the last witches we sacrimoniously burned here

And if that doesn’t justify melting it in acetone…
Then what are we doing with all this acetone?

Listen, you’re worried…
I get it!
We’re holding onto some pretty high vibing plutonium right now…
But it’s the best way to ward off bad luck!
Which we really need right now
Cause quite frankly, this stuff’s risky as hell
And if any bad luck comes our way, we’re doomed!

So let’s get back to it!
Trust me, this’ll definitely cure that rash you got
You’re gonna thank me for helping you



When I look inside of her
There’s sparkles and there’s dreams
Swirling curls of phosphorescent
Cosmic pearly beams

So when she asks me how I stand
Her hardened outer gall
I tell her with a quiet grin
It isn’t hard at all


Foster Child

You’ll never know what spirits you are waking
If you ever slumber through your numbered daze
You’ll never know whose dreams you’re undertaking
If you let the world define your ways

You’ll barely show
And rarely see
And never grow
And ever be
The very things you don’t agree
Are worth our whithered time

Tossed in costly gusts and lostly
Fostering it’s fine



Upon the dawn a breath is whispered out
By subtle lips that hold it in at night
To settle down the inner working bouts
That clutter up the workings of the light

To still the body, to still the mind
To will the spirit to go wander free
The breath’s a twine that must be left behind
The worldly leash that tethers to the tree


So this is where it is
What a curious point in time…
You are sitting over there
And so far, you seem fine
Completely unaware of what is
Nearly soon to happen
I better warn you, just in case



Squandered in a ponder-pot
And wandered to the forest
Lost within the bony reachers
Screeching out in chorus
Teaching to implore us
Into breaching less for reasons
That the bleaching of our naturals
Is leeching our own legions



​​​​​​​​​​​  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  ​​​​​​​​She rhymes with the beauty  ~*
That ☼ shines in her tears​​​​​​​​​​​
That cry out in ♪ laughter
That winds ∞ through the years



The sweet nectar specters that inoculate are fermentable
Wisely age them in your cask
And cultures will divulge a vastly
Mass of spirits in a flask
That’s intoxicatingly perceptible



Now perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself
But I’m pretty sure I’m not
Move this mountain over there
And dynamite that spot

We’re gonna need a drill, some acid
And the water in that placid lake
And just in case, burn the forest
There’s lives out here at stake
We don’t wanna have a bear attack
The PR would be a mess
And by the way, here’s a hat
That says that we’re the best

So as I was saying, ultrasonic
Catastrophic frequencies
Will cause the crust to turn to tonic
Then pump it to the seas

And please please please, once we get
A hole that’s moon in size
Don’t you dare go into it!
We’ve got lots of foreign guys

Well not quite foreign, no I guess
They live just over there…
Just don’t you send the guys we brought!
Do you smell that in the air?

God this place is so damn gross
How can they live like this?
Now get me bottled water, snacks
And a place to shit and piss

Then bribe the feds, cause thanks to fear
Their dollar ain’t worth trout—
I get the sense there’s treasure here
And we’re gonna digget out



I’m a subliminal criminal with ephemeral claws
And seminal seeds of untenable laws
That cause an amenable polemical portent
Of comical obstinance for illogical torment


Fant a Sea

When it seemed, yes it seemed
That we dreamed, then we’d be
Inside these worlds of fantasy
Like the one we are already
Only, far far far more star confetti
And crystal mystic manic actors
Wide-eye wearing down the factors
Frictioning the things to thoughts
Causing them to float and pop
And splay a shattered web of light
That rings the tune of inner sight
To ~shing~ the spot that put it there
Making us the very things we stare upon
And then it’s gone
Cause you can’t see
What your mind can’t think could be
And then we creep
Out of a sleep
That seemed so very, very deep
As if the dream had gone somewhere
But looking back, there’s nothing there
Just the air of empty thoughts
And the sense there might be lots
Somewhere within a mystic sea
That fants inside our memory



It’s a pernicious little snippet
With a vicious form of wisdom
Granting forth the prior wishes
Of those exiting its kingdom
As a means to draw them back
Into the place where they were hatched
Weeding out the freedom fighters
From the others still attached



It was a tough time, and it broke me a little bit
I became flawed and incomplete in some small way
But after a while, it grew on me. It grew with me
It became that crack in the windshield
The one that’s shaped just enough like a lightning bolt
That you don’t wanna get it fixed
