People tell me I’m self-centered, and I don’t know what to do about that.
Care about others.
I do, I think they’re great.
Care about them more than you.
What good would I be doing for my own purpose by ignoring my own desires?
And that’s what makes you self-centered.
Seems like one has to be…
Because when I’m centered, that’s when I’m most capable.
Capable of what?
Doing everything better.
Then why not get better at caring about others?
I can.
Then do it.
I do.
Then why do they think you’re self-centered?
They must see how empowered I am.
As in…
Like a sun.
So, they’re like planets?
Kind of… Sometimes, I guess.
Little dominating, no?
Not always, it changes, sometimes I’m smaller.
So, it’s a competition…
Just trying my best at life.
What if someone else’s best is better?
All I can worry about is my own.
Is it something that actually worries you?
Uhh… sometimes, sure.
Feels like it’s off track.
From what?
Where I want it.
Are you really in charge of where it goes?
With every action I make.
Seems that way.
Then what actions work best?
At what?
Putting your life back on track.
I guess those that fulfill my needs.
Happiness, accomplishment, appreciation, I dunno, love.
How do you get them?
I dunno… by giving them?
To who?
Do you?
Do you give those things to others?
No, I guess not.
…because I only think about myself.
But the best way to help yourself–
Is to give others what I wanna receive.
Sounds like a pretty selfish thing to do.
Then I should be good at it.
They might stop calling you self-centered…
So, what happens if they start calling you selfless?
I tell them why they’re stupid.
They might not take kindly.
Doesn’t matter, I’m self-centered.
Is that caring about others?
Good try though…
We finished here?
Probably never.
Can I at least take a burrito break?
Will you share it?
You’re just a disembodied voice in my head…
I still like burritos.
Fine, I’ll share it.
See? Progress already.
You’re kind of a dick.
A helpful dick.
Still a dick.
You’re welcome.