One of these days…

One of these days I’ll admit to my wrongs
Without all these dreams of my name put in songs

One of these days I’ll do something good
Without all the pride of the stance that I stood

One of these days I’ll surrender the notion
I’m just a pretender in an ocean of waves
Drowning a man in the way he behaves

One of these days when I’m not so obsessed
With the grays in my hair and the way that I’m dressed
in the flair of the plays of the oldy-time honchos
I’ll look at the earth through my dirty old poncho
And cook up a way I can actually give a damn
Back to a world that gave all that I am

I won’t  be this sham
I won’t be a maze
I’ll let go my stammers
And one of these days
I’ll know what it is to be bare

There out amongst all the beauty that bays
One of these days I’ll be there


2 thoughts on “One of these days…

  1. ugh, wwhat!!? Are you making a poem but making it sound like it’s about you, but really it’s about ME??? :/

    1. Hee diddle hee ~~ I guess some things are about a lot of us (8>~~~ (it’s a flower:)


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