Cosmic Ooze

Oh God~

You tenticle eyeball monster oozing moving ocean slimes
of living trickled intellect

Swirling the radioactive humbuzz of constant atomic explosion

Roaming these plains and dreams with the ghostly hauntings
of twisted possession

Monsters in the night, with the faces of children laughing

Twisting crackled minds into warped obscurities
of a world so known and shattered

Peeking out the darkness with infinite eyes
and tenticles dripping to grip

Oozing these gooey oceans of tsunami neon lighthood

Crash, crash on my mind
and seethe through the cracks of my being

Show me the cosmos we’ve never understood
The dreamworlds we’re so rarely seeing
The weird and the twisted from outside the norm
of this sterile existence plopped so blankly on our gazes

Free me from the simple treachery of ignorant boxes
Cast me stratospherical
Haunt my waning days
