
That rare form of leisure
That mystical stroll
Where outside is space
And inside’s a black hole

And you know that you’re changing and falling apart
Round this cosmic collapse of the star that’s your heart

So let yourself go
Fall into that hole
Like a tunnel through space
To the seat of your soul

Where all is collapsing and being reborn
And the break in your heart is a break in the storm
That’s shaking your roles
And waking your soul
To the state of your goals
And where to perform

Be still in that nova*
Collapse calls for peace

…feel every iota…

~ and feel it release ~


The World of Old

The sun rises red, as it does every day
A lone, angry eye in a skyful of gray

Today there are birds… that’s a relief
And the wind’s making rattles of the withering leaf

But the mountains, the mountains are nearly now gone
Barely a trace past the trees
Dim silouhettes through a silk curtain drawn
Lost now, to all but the breeze

Yet still I remember a sky painted blue~!
And a bright yellow sun that used to shine through
Still I remember the crispness of air
The coolness of water ~ a headful of hair

I wish I could say that the world just went bald…
But I know in my heart it’s not true
I want to believe that we’ve come to evolve
But that proof is now nearly gone too

I don’t know why I keep this record
Like some caveman that paints on a wall
A crazy old ghost that tells of a world
They won’t be comprehending at all

How to explain the taste of clean water?
How to describe the smell of fresh air?
The knowledge of rain? The concept of pain?
The texture and pleasure of hair?

God, I miss that world so much~~~
The clouds! The stars! The moon…
How I wish that I could touch
Just taste that place I knew

But all that was… has gone to fog
Lost in a veil of doubt
We thought the world would end in fire…
 …but it’s smoke that drowned us out





A Starburst

A gold lock of hair

A rare kind of lifeform

The core of a pear

The ring on my finger

One hardy cashew

These are the things

That I’ve found
in my poo


Know now

I love love
I hate hate
I fear fear
And great’s great

I’m nervous I’ll act nervously
And excited to excite
I’m left with all that I have left
And writing what seems right

It seems to me that seemingly
We only dream our dreams
Then dramatize with drama lives
And don’t mean what that means

Factor in a lack of facts
And a tractor’s worth of crossing tracks
Stacked against our rising stacks
Atop our towers toppling

When thrown from off our golden thrones
We hobble into hobbling

Humbled in humility
Defying the defiance
Resolving with our last resolve
To silence all in silence


Astral Mass

Even as the comets fall
And even as the bringers call us…
Even as the sky should swallow
   down the earth and kill us all

Even as the world I trust
    shall spill its soul and turn to dust
I trust that it shall grin

For even as there’s stars to shine
   Those stars are here within.


Peace of Art

The world’s but a canvass on which we project
The colourful views that we choose to protect

So pull out your paintbrush
Your palette, your knife
Pour out your colours and paint for your life~!

So long as you’ve a beating heart
A giving hand, a living part
There is no end, there’s just the start
of all you’ve yet to finish

So let the flow of all you know
Just grow and gush… and then let go
You must let go
And let the hush fill all you know

And this humble brush, in hidden hands
Shall paint a swath across the lands
As colours flow in grand designs
of so much more than human minds~!

And as we find that we’re the tool
The piece, the part, the humble fool
in this peace of art of which we’re stuck
It seems each stroke… is one of luck


Lost in Autonomy

Dreams and connections
Reverse ressurections
Imperfect endorphins unforming perfections

Elections in rigorous rage
Accepting the testing infesting our cages
Turning the pages
Unburning the flowers
Coursing the cost of the loss of our powerful ways

They’re Powerful Days
with powerful wonders right under the stage
It’s a Powerful Age
of sages in towers
Honestly lost in autonomous hours



I don’t think people know what happy means…

Cause they call it money and family and fame
and sunny days and rainbows
They call it clothes, cars, beauty and pride
stars and oceans, potions and wives
notions of size, all sorts of surroundings
Maybe this, likely that… it’s really quite confounding

Cause happiness is happiness
It’s not a plum or pear
It’s like saying I just need a nap
So you go and fight a bear
Certainly that would make you tired
You’ll slumber off so deep!
But now you’re dead and mauled. Oh dread!
Why didn’t you just sleep?
