
That’s fine!
It’s not like I need to rhyme
Not like I do it all of the time
It’s no big deal…
I can do something so-called “Real”
Without the patter
I’ll just up and get right atter
Here I go
Here it is…
Bing bang boom!
Golly whiz
I dunno.
It’s like a sign post that leads me along
Shows me where the next turn goes
It’s like I’m in this mad forest of “I can go anywhere!”
But that’s too much
The thought alone of the limitless possibilities
Makes me just sit there, numb-founded
Unsure which is best
Which I should choose

So I restrict myself
I say I can go any direction I want
So long as it’s towards THAT kind of tree
That way, at least I have a route
An obvious next turn
Even if I have no idea where it’s going
Or what I might encounter
Or where I’ll end up

It gives me direction
To explore open spaces, section by section
It gives me a way to keep up the pace
So I’m not standing around, scratching my face
I get out of that place, excitement amounting
At the pure inspiration of newfound surroundings
And the crowning confoundments of infinity
Cause I don’t need to worry about which ones I’ll see

It puts it up to the universe
To a far higher mind
Cause frankly, it’s a forest
And while in it, I’m blind
